Dona con SMS

Donate with SMS is the free app that allows you to see current solidarity campaigns and donate with a simple tap.

What is a solidarity campaign?

It is a non-profit fundraising campaign organised by non-profit organisations.

How do you donate?

With a simple tap! Choose the campaign you want to donate to, tap the green ‘Donate by SMS’ button and the SMS sending screen on your smartphone will open. All you have to do is send the SMS to confirm your donation!

How is the donation made?

The donation is made via SMS and not via the app. The credit used will be that of your SIM. No in-app purchase will be necessary.

Why did you make this app?

One Sunday morning we simply realised that information about solidarity campaigns was scattered and hard to reach. We thought it might be useful to have them just a tap away, in one app. 13 hours later, Dona with SMS was born.