Cross Platform Gamers

Cross platform gamers
Cross platform gamers

Coss Platform Gamers. 10 Surprising behaviours of US Mobile and Facebook Gamers.

Le donne spendono più in micro transazioni e chi l’avrebbe mai detto che il 63% delle persone scoprono giochi attraverso gli inviti degli amici, pensavo che venissero ignorati alla grande dato l’elevato abuso che se ne fa nei giochi.

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Dengen Chronicles Reaches 1.000 Users

Vai così! 🙂


Dengen Chronicles has just reached its first important milestone: 1000 users.

As a matter of fact, the game is only one month old and we’re working very hard to release smart  features and fix current issues and bugs. Furthermore, the number of dengen users increases on a daily basis so expectations are high as ever.


We’d truly like to thank each of you, for your trust and support.

Keep on playing your saga!