Startups in 13 Sentences

Paul Graham, fondatore di Y Combinator, in vecchio articolo del 2009 riassume il concetto di startup in 13 frasi. Dopo diversi anni in questo mondo, non posso far altro che quotare una per una…

One of the things I always tell startups is a principle I learned from Paul Buchheit: it’s better to make a few people really happy than to make a lot of people semi-happy. I was saying recently to a reporter that if I could only tell startups 10 things, this would be one of them. Then I thought: what would the other 9 be?

Articolo su paulgraham.comStartups in 13 Sentences

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Enrico Rossomando

Aiuto startup e professionisti a progettare e sviluppare software, applicazioni e videogiochi per migliorare il loro business #fullstackdeveloper #gamedev