Why Apple doesn’t care about the Appstore

Un interessante articolo che confronta due numeri di Apple e mostra quanto incidono le revenue da AppStore per una società che solo nel 2012 ha generato 156 miliardi di dollari…

In January 2012, Apple announced it had paid out $4 billion, so in the last twelve months, it has paid out $3 billion, and Apple has trousered $1.3bn. Which again sounds like a lot.

In Apple’s last financial year, ending September 29, 2012, Apple generated revenues of $156 billion. The iPhone division alone made $80 billon. iPad made £32 billion. The company as a whole made a net profit of $42 billion. The Appstore represents less than 1% of Apple’s business.

Articolo su GamesBriefhttp://www.gamesbrief.com/2013/01/why-apple-doesnt-care-about-the-appstore/

Published by

Enrico Rossomando

Aiuto startup e professionisti a progettare e sviluppare software, applicazioni e videogiochi per migliorare il loro business #fullstackdeveloper #gamedev